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Firestorm Team

(Build a Fire for Membership)

SEC. 1 Purpose The purpose of this Team is to assist all Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges in New Mexico in their quest to further the growth of their lodges by obtaining new members, and/or to organize or participate in community awareness events to promote the Order in a positive manner.

SEC. 2 Team Members The members of the Team shall be the Grand Master/Rebekah Assembly President, the Deputy Grand Master/Assembly Vice President, the Grand Warden/Assembly Warden, and Grand Secretary; In addition, the Grand Master and President shall each appoint one person to serve for one year in an At-Large position. The newly elected Grand Warden and Assembly Warden shall serve as Co-Chairmen; the Deputy Grand Master and Vice President shall serve as Vice Chairmen; the Grand Lodge Secretary shall serve as Secretary

SEC. 3 Funding The Grand Lodge of NM has allocated $10,000 for the initial funding to be used for the designated purposes as approved by the Team. 1. Reimbursement and/or additions to the fund shall be by vote of the Grand Lodge and upon submission of the financial report of the expenditures of the Team activities.

SEC. 4 Lodge Application A lodge wishing to apply for funds will fill out an application, in advance, detailing their request for funds, indicating the time line for the use of the funds and how they are going to use them. 1. A maximum of $1500 can be requested for a single event. If more is needed, a detailed statement must be submitted with the application. 2 After the event, they will submit a report stating the actions taken, number of persons participating, and the results of the event. 3 The application shall be submitted to the Chairman, who after review, will contact the other members of the Team by phone, email, or conference call. At least 5 members of the Team will need to be in agreement to approve the application. Upon approval, the chairman will advise the Secretary who will have a check prepared to go to the lodge 4. A Lodge may request the attendance of a Team member to be present at the event. Travel expenses of the Team Member to be paid from Team funds upon the receipt of a report with travel receipts attached.

SEC. 5 Community or Statewide Promotions The Team may arrange, organize or establish promotions that will benefit the Order in local community or statewide. 1. The Team will contact the local lodges to obtain their cooperation and participation of any promotion or advertisement that may take place in their community. 2. The local lodge will appoint a contact person to work with the team and advise the Team of their address, telephone and email information.

SEC. 6 Reporting. The chairmen will be responsible for submitting reports detailing the actions of the Team and all events that took place to the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assembly. 1. A verbal report will be required at the Mid-Term Meetings of the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assembly. 2. A written report will be submitted to be included in the Advance Proceedings of the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assembly.

SEC. 7 Meetings. The annual meeting of the Team shall be held on Friday prior to the Mid-Term Meetings of the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assembly. 1. If necessary, a special meeting can be called by the Chairman with a minimum of 5 members of the Team present. Travel expenses to be paid from Team Funds.

SEC. 8 Discontinuation of the Team. Should the Team be discontinued, and after all commitments have been satisfied, all funds will be returned to the Grand Lodge.

© 2006 - 2024 **-** IOOF Grand Lodge of New Mexico & Nita Imel